Four Horsemen of Male Pelvic Pain (upcoming live courses)

What clinicians are saying about our course.

I thought this was the best, probably one of the best, if not the best I’ve ever had in my 38 years of taking classes
— Kathy Golic, PT

Kathy, a PT of 38 years of experience attended our 2023 Vancouver course.

It was one of the most incredible courses I’ve taken.
— Dr. Stéphanie Thibault-Gagnon, PhD, B.Sc. PT

Stephanie, PhD in rehabilitation sciences, instructor for the Running Clinic and teacher for McGill and Queens University took our 3-day Four horsemen of male pelvic pain masterclass in Montreal in 2023.

I feel like this course was so much more comprehensive than what I’ve received in the past and I’m really excited to go into the clinic and start using these skills right away on Monday.
— Dr. Hannah Strom, PT, DPT

Hannah, owner of a speciality pelvic health practice called Awake Pelvic Health & Wellness in Woodbury, MN attended our 2023 course in Minneapolis.

So I’ve taken a couple other male pelvic health courses, and this one is by far the best one. It is broken down into modules and it’s easily digestible information. It’s relatable, and I just feel like after this course, I could leave and use these techniques immediately.
— Jessica Ekberg, OTR/L

Jessica, Owner of The Pelvic Connection, certified pelvic floor specialist attended our Chicago 2023 Four Horsemen of Male Pelvic Pain course.

And this is one of the best courses that I’ve taken. I was thinking about this this morning as I was walking here. What I like is that everything is split into categories. And so I thought of my four categories that I like about this class, and I made it an acronym too. So it’s MOCI!
— Jennifer Gutierrez, PT

Jen, 24 years of experience as a physical therapist.

Our upcoming 2024 courses.